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How to Optimize Your Site for Google Authorship

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Technical SEO | 0 comments

Google Authorship was a program introduced by Google to help authors and content creators claim their content on the web and build their authority in their respective industries. The program aimed to link a piece of content to its author by displaying the author’s name and picture in Google search results. However, the program was discontinued in 2014, but the concept of authorship is still relevant today, and content creators can optimize their sites for it.

Optimizing your site for Google Authorship is crucial to improve your online visibility, establish yourself as a credible source in your industry, and drive traffic to your website. In this article, we will discuss various strategies to optimize your site for Google Authorship and enhance your content’s visibility on Google search results. We will explore steps such as creating a Google+ profile, linking your site to your Google+ profile, and adding authorship markup to your site. By implementing these tactics, you can increase your online presence and build your reputation as an authoritative figure in your industry.

What is Google Authorship?

Google Authorship was a now-discontinued program that was introduced by Google in 2011. The program allowed authors to link their content to their Google+ profile, which would result in their name and photo appearing alongside their content in Google search results.

The purpose of Google Authorship was to provide a way for Google to verify the authorship of online content and to provide a means of identifying high-quality content. By displaying an author’s name and photo in search results, Google hoped to increase the credibility and visibility of content created by authoritative writers.

Google Authorship was discontinued in 2014, with Google stating that they found the program did not have a significant impact on click-through rates or traffic. However, author information can still appear in search results through other means, such as structured data markup or a Google Knowledge Panel.

Benefits of Google Authorship

Google Authorship was a program that allowed authors to link their online content to their Google+ profile. The program was discontinued in 2014, but during its time, it offered several benefits to authors, including:

1.      Increased visibility:

With Google Authorship, authors could have their profile picture and byline displayed in search results next to their content. This increased their visibility and made their content more recognizable.

2.      Improved click-through rates:

Studies showed that search results with authorship markup had higher click-through rates than those without. This was likely due to the increased visibility and recognition that came with authorship markup.

3.      Authority and credibility:

By linking their content to their Google+ profile, authors could establish themselves as experts in their field and build credibility with their audience.

4.      Reduced plagiarism:

Google Authorship helped to reduce plagiarism by providing a clear link between the author and their content. This made it more difficult for others to claim someone else’s content as their own.

5.      Social networking benefits:

Google Authorship was integrated with Google+, which provided authors with social networking benefits, such as the ability to connect with other authors and build a following.

Although Google Authorship is no longer available, many of these benefits can still be achieved through other means, such as building a strong social media presence and using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve visibility and credibility.

How to Optimize Your Site for Google Authorship

Google Authorship is a program that allows you to link your content to your Google+ profile, helping to establish you as the author of the content you create. By verifying your authorship, you can establish your expertise in your field, build your online reputation, and increase your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some steps to optimize your site for Google Authorship.

  1. Create a Google+ profile The first step to optimizing your site for Google Authorship is to create a Google+ profile if you don’t already have one. This is where you’ll link your content to your authorship. Make sure to complete your profile with a professional headshot and a brief bio that describes your expertise and experience in your field.
  2. Verify authorship with Google Once you’ve created your Google+ profile, the next step is to verify your authorship with Google. You can do this by linking your Google+ profile to your content using your email address. Make sure that the email address you use to create your Google+ profile is the same email address that you use to publish your content.
  3. Add authorship markup to your site To verify your authorship, you’ll need to add authorship markup to your site. This involves adding a small piece of code to your site that tells Google that you’re the author of the content. There are a few different ways to add authorship markup to your site, depending on the platform you’re using. If you’re using WordPress, for example, you can use a plugin like Yoast SEO to add the necessary code.
  4. Create high-quality content Google rewards high-quality content, so one of the best ways to optimize your site for Google Authorship is to create high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise in your field. This will help establish you as a thought leader and increase your visibility in search engine results pages.
  5. Use keywords strategically While creating high-quality content is important, it’s also important to use keywords strategically in your content. This will help your content rank higher in search engine results pages, making it easier for people to find your content. Make sure to use keywords in your headlines, meta descriptions, and throughout your content, but avoid keyword stuffing, which can actually hurt your SEO efforts.
  6. Share your content on social media Sharing your content on social media can help increase its visibility and establish you as an authority in your field. Make sure to share your content on all of your social media profiles, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. You can also use social media to engage with your audience, answer questions, and share your thoughts and opinions on industry news and trends.
  7. Encourage engagement Encouraging engagement with your content can help increase its visibility and establish you as an authority in your field. Encourage your readers to leave comments on your blog posts, ask questions, and share your content with their own social networks. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to track engagement metrics like pageviews, bounce rate, and time on site.
  8. Use rich snippets Rich snippets are a type of structured data that can help improve the appearance of your content in search engine results pages. By using rich snippets, you can include additional information about your content, such as ratings, reviews, and author information. This can help increase click-through rates and improve your overall SEO efforts.
  9. Stay up-to-date with Google’s algorithm updates Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest updates and changes. Make sure to regularly read industry blogs and news sources to stay informed about the latest developments in SEO and Google Authorship.
  10. Be patient Finally, it’s important to be patient when optimizing your site for Google Authorship.

Tips for Building your Author Rank

Building your author rank is crucial to establish your credibility and visibility as an author in your field. Here are some tips to help you build your author rank:

  1. Create quality content: Write articles that provide value to your readers, and make sure they are well-written and free from errors.
  2. Focus on a specific niche: Choose a specific topic or niche that you are knowledgeable about and become an authority in that area.
  3. Publish regularly: Consistently publishing quality content can increase your visibility and authority as an author.
  4. Utilize social media: Share your articles on social media platforms to increase your reach and engage with your audience.
  5. Guest post on authoritative sites: Writing guest posts for authoritative sites in your niche can help you reach a larger audience and build your credibility as an author.
  6. Network with other authors: Networking with other authors can help you gain insights, learn new skills, and collaborate on projects that can help you grow your author rank.
  7. Use keywords and meta descriptions: Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions in your articles to improve your search engine ranking and increase visibility.
  8. Encourage readers to share your content: Encourage readers to share your content by including social sharing buttons on your website or blog.
  9. Participate in online communities: Participate in online communities related to your niche to establish yourself as an authority and build relationships with other authors and readers.
  10. Stay up-to-date with industry trends: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in your niche to stay relevant and provide valuable content to your readers.


In conclusion, optimizing your website for Google Authorship can bring numerous benefits to your online presence. By linking your content to your Google+ profile, you can establish yourself as a credible authority in your field and improve the visibility and click-through rates of your content in Google search results.

To optimize your site for Google Authorship, you should start by creating a complete and compelling Google+ profile, including a high-quality profile photo and relevant biographical information. Next, you should add the rel=author tag to your website’s content to link it to your Google+ profile. It’s also essential to regularly create high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to your target audience.

Finally, monitoring your Google Authorship performance through Google Webmaster Tools can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy. By following these best practices, you can effectively optimize your site for Google Authorship and increase your online authority and visibility.